Guess what?! Kids grow!
Yup, it's a fact and it doesn't take long before that helmet you bought, or that glove they use no longer fits. Join us at Mabson Field on January 27th from 10AM to Noon for the first GEAYA Equipment Swap!
“We also know that gear and clothing can be expensive, that’s why we’re having our first GEAYA Equipment Swap on January 27th, from 10 AM to Noon at Mabson Field,” said Lee Dawson Jr., Vice President, and board member for Greater East Austin Youth Association (GEAYA).
Gather that old gear, put it in a bag and bring it to Mabson Field on Wednesday, 1/24 (4:30PM to 6PM), or Friday, 1/26 (4:30PM to 5:30PM) and drop it off. We’ll sort it and get it ready for Saturday. Then show up on Saturday, 1/27 at 10 AM to find something that fits.
If you’d like to help out you can join the Swap Committee! Click here to register.
Items to swap (All Items must be gently used, no rips or holes)
- Shoes/Cleats
- Helmets (no cracks)
- Pants (no holes) good shape
- Gloves Bats USA logo only
Please make sure that swap items you bring, gear or clothing, are in great shape. See you on Saturday, January 27th at 10 AM at Mabson Field!