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Greater East Austin Youth Association

Greater East Austin Youth Association

Welcome to Coaches' Corner!

Here you'll find information about your Division including rules and practice guides. The guides are suggestions to help, but are not required. If you feel something is missing, email us and we'll work to get your request added. 

  • Tee Ball
  • Minors Coach Pitch 
  • Minor Players Pitch
  • Majors Player Pitch
All coaches are responsible for clarifying rules with the coaches of the opposing team before the start of any game. Call a Coaches Meeting 10-15 minutes prior to your game and clarify rules before you start. If an umpire is present at your game, include umpire(s) in your meeting.

GEAYA utilize home field rules for home games at Mabson Field, meaning the rules below are what we go by at home games. If the opposing team does not agree, locate a GEAYA administrator before starting your game. 


Little League requires all volunteers to complete Abuse Awareness training and LL Diamond Leader training each year.

In order to participate as a coach or a team parent, you much complete two trainings required by Little League.
1.    Little League Diamond Leader (45 min. to 1 hour online)
2.   Abuse Awareness for Adults - Creating a Safe and Abuse Free Environment for Athletes (45 min. to 1 hour online)

All GEAYA Coaches MUST complete the coaches training before the start of the season in order to participate.  The training last for the calendar year. If you complete the training in the spring and coach in the fall, you do not have to retake the training, unless updated training is distributed by Little League. 

You must take a screenshot or screen grab of your completed training and email it to [email protected] or [email protected]. GEAYA must have proof for Little League of your completed trainings on file to submit to Little each year. 

Below are links to the training modules. 



Little League Training

Go to the Little League Diamond Leader Training page 
Scroll down and click on "Create an Account" or Login

Go to the Little League Abuse Awareness Training page 
Scroll down and click on "Create an Account" or Login

Tee Ball For Coaches

Tee Ball (4-6 years old)

Basic Tee Ball rules are as follows:

Remind your tee ball team that they ARE playing big-league Baseball, and big-league baseball comes with big-league rules. This helps you get ready for the next divisions in Little League which are coach pitch and player pitch divisions. (Divisions are tee ball, coach pitch/machine pitch, minors player pitch and majors player pitch.)

  • Tee Ball games are 4 innings or 60 minutes. At the 60 minute mark if you have not completed 4 innings, work with the opposing team coaches to finish out the game by completing the inning of 3 outs or 5 runs, which every comes first.
  • All teams will bat down their batting order, please make sure you keep your players in their batting order in the dugout, so everyone gets a chance to bat. 
  • Remind your players that everyone on the team will get to bat every game. It is possible that they may only get to one at bat in a game, but we’ll try to get as many as we can.
  • The batting team gets 3 outs OR 5 runs, which ever comes first.
  •  At GEAYA home games, we do not keep score. The score or 5 runs ends and inning and resets to zero at the beginning of an inning. This will help ease the frustration/anxiety players may get of losing.
  • This is used to change sides instead of running through the entire batting order
  • Batters will use a tee to hit the ball into the playing field. Batters will get as many tries as needed to hit the ball into the playing field.
  • Hitting the ball into play:
    • Batted balls must travel 15 feet in fair territory in front of Homeplate and between the left and right field lines to be considered fair balls or a balls in play.
    • Batters must hit only the ball when using a tee to be considered a fair ball. Batters may not hit the tee and ball at the same time, it is a foul.
    • Batted balls must be between the left and right field white lines and remain on or inside those lines to be fair balls or balls in play.
    • If a ball rolls to the left of the left field line before hit passes third base it is foul
    • If a ball rolls to the right of the right field line before hit passes first base it is foul
    • If a ball is hit in the air/fly ball and it passes over third base or first base, the ball must land within the left field or right field lines to be a fair ball. Otherwise, it is foul.
    • If the ball rolls on the white line, either left or right, it is a foul ball.
    • Batted balls that travel less than 15 feet from Homeplate and are in fair territory between the left and right field lines are foul balls.
  • Players in the field can get a runner out by:
    • Catching a batter’s fly ball that is in the air and has not touched the ground.
    • Tagging a runner out using the baseball in their glove hand or holding the baseball in their non-glove hand for an out before the runner gets to base. The defensive play MUST use the ball to tag out a runner.
    • Safety is a priority when tagging runners out. There will be:
      • NO tagging a runner above the shoulders/neck area.
      • NO throwing the ball at a runner to get an out.

    Touching a base for an out. The base must be a force out base.

    • 1st base is always a force out base.
    • 2nd base is a force out when there is a runner on first and the batter hits the ball into play.
    • 3rd base is a force out when a there is a runner on second and a runner on first, and the batter hits the ball into play.
    • Home plate is a force when there is a runner on third base, and a runner on second base and a runner on first base, and the batter hits the ball into play.

  • Throwing the ball to a defending teammate at a base or near a base, the defending teammate fields the ball and either touches the base if the play is a force out situation or tags the runner out below the shoulders/neck area before the runner reaches the base.
  • NOTE: There is no “Tie-Goes-To-The-Runner” in Little League baseball and softball. Runners MUST beat the tag at a base to be declared safe. 

Please download the Little League Tee Ball Guide. It's great info on what to teach and drill for practices!

Minors Coach Pitch for Coaches

Minors Coach Pitch (Ages 7-8 years old)


  • Home team provides umpire(s)
  • Umpires must arrive 30 minutes prior to game start
  • 2 umpires will officiate Minor Player Pitch Games, umpires will decide which position they will take for the game.
  • 1 Umpire will officiate Coach Pitch Games and decide their position on the field
  • Protests involving playing rules must be resolved before the next pitch or play
  • Home team may need to supply Homeplate gear for Homeplate umpire
    • Mask
    • Chest plate

Minimum Player Playing Time

  • The standard minimum playing time rule of six outs on defense and one time at bat on offense is in effect. Six defensive outs is defined as
    • “A player enters the field in one of the nine defensive positions when his/her team is on defense and occupies that position while six outs are made.” 
    • Bat at least one time is defined as “A player enters the batter’s box with no count and completes that time at bat by being retired, by reaching base safely and is retired by force or tag out; scores a run; or the half inning ends.”
  • If a player does not play the minimum playing time, they will start the next game and complete any previous requirements and the requirement for this game before being removed. Managers could be suspended for this violation. 

Playing Rosters

  • Each team’s roster will be comprised of not more than 15 players. Once a player is replaced on a roster, they cannot return to the roster until the next game. 


  • The uniform that will be worn is the uniform received at the beginning of the season. 
Coach Pitch District 11 Interleague Rules for Baseball

  2. No new inning shall begin after time limit or 9:00 p.m.. The ten-run rule applies. Rule 4.10(e).
    1. Rule 4.10 (e) is in effect for games and reads that after 4 innings, 3.5 innings the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent
  3. The coach of the offensive team will pitch to his own players. The coach may stand or kneel on the mound ( the dirt ). The pitcher shall be even with the pitching rubber in the dirt.
  4. Each batter will receive 5 pitches or 3 strikes. If the batter fouls the last pitch, they get another one. See 7 yr olds baseball 1st page 2nd section of tournament book.
  5. Bunts are not permitted. Batters are not permitted to take a half-swing. If the umpire feels the batter is taking a half-swing, the batter may be called back to swing again. Rule 2.00 "Bunt". The ball is foul if it travels less than 15 feet in fair territory from home plate. Rule 2.00 "Foul Ball."
  6. All players on the Roster will be in the batting order. (Rule 2.00 "Batting Order. )
  7. Each team will bat until the defense gets three outs or all players bat in the half-inning. (Rule 5.07)
  8. Base runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is hit (i.e., no "stealing"). When players have advanced as far as possible without being put out or having been retired the umpire shall call "time" and the ball will be given to the coach on the mound. Rule 7.13.
  9. A standard baseball will be used (No RIF).
  10. No infield fly rule.
  11. Only nine players in the field on defense. Other than pitcher and catcher, defense may play anywhere in fair territory.
  12. The runner or runners will be permitted to advance at their own risk on an overthrow that remains in play, but not more than one base. (Rule 7.05(i)). Note:2
  13. Coaches on the mound must attempt to avoid being struck by the ball. If a batted ball hits the offensive coach on the mound, the ball is dead. The batter will be awarded first base. All forced runners advance one base. Treat as umpire interference under Rule 6.08( d). If a thrown ball hits the offensive coach on the mound, it remains alive and in play.
  14. Teams may have 1 manager and 3 coaches

Please download the Little League Coach Pitch Guide. It's great info on what to teach and drill for practices!

Minors & Majors Player Pitch for Coaches

Minors 9-10-years old & Majors 11-12-years old Player Pitch Baseball

Here are a few links and tid bits to help with Coaching Minors and Majors Player Pitch divisions. 

8 Helpful Tips for New Little League Coaches

The league age pitch counts for Little League Baseball® are as follows:

  • Ages 7-8 – 50 pitches per day
  • Ages 9-10 – 75 pitches per day
  • Ages 11-12 – 85 pitches per day
  • Ages 13-16 – 95 pitches per day

For additional information on pitch counts, please visit the Regular Season Pitching Rules page. 

Baseball pitchers league age 14 and under

  • 1-20 Pitches = 0 Days Rest
  • 21-35 Pitches = 1 Day Rest
  • 36-50 Pitches = 2 Days Rest
  • 51-65 Pitches = 3 Days Rest
  • 66+ Pitches = 4 Days Rest
Minors 9-10-years old Player Pitch Baseball

Stealing Bases
Minors: Runners may steal any base except home.

Note: A player can steal home base, at their own risk of being out, if the player is on third base or heading to third base and a play is made to third base and the ball is overthown and miss handled by the third base player. 

Rule 7.13 - Little League Minor League: When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher’s box ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and has reached the batter.  NO Leading Off. 

The violation by one base runner shall affect other base runners –
(a) - when a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter does not hit the ball, the runner is permitted to continue. If a play is made on the runner and the runner is out, the out stands. If said runner reaches safely the base to which the runner is advancing, that runner must be returned to the base occupied before the pitch was made, and no out results;

(b) - when a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter hits the ball, the base runner or runners are permitted to continue. If a play is made and the runner or runners are put out, the out or outs will stand. If not put out, the runner or runners must return to the original base or bases or to the unoccupied base nearest the one that was left; In no event shall the batter advance beyond first base on a single or error, second base on a double or third base on a triple. The Umpire-in-Chief shall determine the base value of the hit ball.

(c) - when any base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter bunts, hits a ball within the infield or advances on an uncaught third strike, no run shall be allowed to score. If three runners were on the bases and the batter reaches first base safely, each runner shall advance to the base beyond the one they occupied at the start of the play except the runner who occupied third base, that runner shall be removed from the base without a run being scored.

Game Ends
After 1 hour 30 minutes or 6 innings
No new innings start after 1 hour 15 minutes

A regulation game consists of six innings or reaches the time limit of one hour and thirty minutes, which ever comes first, unless extended because of a tie score, or shortened (1) because the home team needs none of its half of the sixth inning or only a fraction of it; or (2) because the umpire calls the game.

(b) - If the score is tied after six completed innings and before the time limit of 1.5 hours is met, play shall continue until (1) the visiting team has scored more total runs than the home team at the end of a completed inning; or (2) the home team scores the winning run in an uncompleted inning.

(c) - If a game is called, it is a regulation game:
(1) - If four innings have been completed;

(2) - If the game has been played for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed. No new inning will begin once the time limit has expired.

(3) - If the home team has scored more runs in three and one-half innings than the visiting team has scored in four completed half-innings;

(4) - if the home team scores one or more runs in its half of the fourth inning to tie the score.
(d) - If a game is called before it has become a regulation game, it shall be resumed exactly where it left off.
(e) - If after three (3) innings, two and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of 10 (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after four (4) innings, three and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after five (5) innings, four and one-half innings, if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

NOTE: (1) If the visiting team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. (2) A game determined by the 10-run rule shall be considered a regulation game.

Majors 11-12-years old Player Pitch Baseball

Stealing Bases
Majors: Runners may steal any base including home

Rule 7.13
- Little League (Major): When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher’s box ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and has reached the batter.  NO Leading Off. 

The violation by one base runner shall affect other base runners –
(a) - when a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter does not hit the ball, the runner is permitted to continue. If a play is made on the runner and the runner is out, the out stands. If said runner reaches safely the base to which the runner is advancing, that runner must be returned to the base occupied before the pitch was made, and no out results;

(b) - when a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter hits the ball, the base runner or runners are permitted to continue. If a play is made and the runner or runners are put out, the out or outs will stand. If not put out, the runner or runners must return to the original base or bases or to the unoccupied base nearest the one that was left; In no event shall the batter advance beyond first base on a single or error, second base on a double or third base on a triple. The Umpire-in-Chief shall determine the base value of the hit ball.

(c) - when any base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter bunts, hits a ball within the infield or advances on an uncaught third strike, no run shall be allowed to score. If three runners were on the bases and the batter reaches first base safely, each runner shall advance to the base beyond the one they occupied at the start of the play except the runner who occupied third base, that runner shall be removed from the base without a run being scored.

Dropped Third Strike
Rule 6.09 - The Batter becomes a runner
Majors - 
The third strike is not caught, providing (1) first base in unoccupied or (2) first base is occupied with two outs

NOTE: A batter forfiets his/her opportunity to advance to first base when he/she enters the dugout or other dead ball area.

Game Ends

After 1 hour 45 min or 6 innings
No new innings start after 1 hour 30 minutes

4.10 (a) - A regulation game consists of six innings, unless extended because of a tie score, or shortened (1) because the home team needs none of its half of the sixth inning or only a fraction of it; or (2) because the umpire calls the game.

(b) - If the score is tied after six completed innings, play shall continue until (1) the visiting team has scored more total runs than the home team at the end of a completed inning; or (2) the home team scores the winning run in an uncompleted inning.

(c) - If a game is called, it is a regulation game:
(1) - If four innings have been completed;

(2) - If the game has been played for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed. No new inning will begin once the time limit has expired.

(3) - If the home team has scored more runs in three and one-half innings than the visiting team has scored in four completed half-innings;

(4) - if the home team scores one or more runs in its half of the fourth inning to tie the score.
(d) - If a game is called before it has become a regulation game, it shall be resumed exactly where it left off.
(e) - If after three (3) innings, two and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after four (4) innings, three and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after five (5) innings, four and one-half innings, if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of eight (8) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

NOTE: (1) If the visiting team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. (2) The local league may adopt the option of not utilizing this rule. A game determined by the 10-run rule shall be considered a regulation game.

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